History of Pasig City

According to H. Otley Beyer, American pioneer anthropologist in the Philippines, “the earliest settlers in Rizal area (which certainly included Pasig) were groups of people of varied cultures and racial types and came to the Philippines in migratory waves during the long period from 25,000 to 30,000 years ago up to as late as the 14th century A.D., as deduced from archaeological evidences.

   The original Pasig was vast territory extending as it did from Montalban 20 kilometers to the North (being in olden times a barrio of San Mateo) and as far south as Bai more than 50 kms. as the crow flies. The early known settlers when the Spaniards came to Pasig were called – Remontados. The name was derived from the Spanish verb “remontar,” meaning, “to flee from the hills,” ”to frighten away,” or “go back to the mountains.” This indigenous peoples are said to be the descendants of lowlanders who opted to live in the mountains to avoid subjugation by the Spaniards.

   Subsequently, they intermarried with the Negrito groups. Also refer to as Dumagat, they prefer to call themselves taga-bundok (from the mountains.) They have brown complexion, light curly hair and medium height. Their houses are of light materials like bamboo, cogon grass and rattan.

 Source: Pasig Government  


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