Nowadays, we are experiencing lots of disasters, such as typhoons and earthquakes. These can be considered as one of the serious issues not only in the Philippines but worldwide. Lets make short pause, and think about those possible reasons why these calamities always coming to us, and leave serious damages. Come to think of those possible reasons, maybe its all our own fault.

We still have more time to save our home PHILIPPINES…

Let’s open our heart, our mind. Let us extend our hands to those people who in need of our help. Lets boost and strengthen their faith in GOD and convince them not to lose hope… to continue their lives despite of what is happening.

BE UNITED, Let us show the world that we Filipinos are one, in time of crisis we fight.

This coming MONDAY,November 18,2013 we are encouraging all of you to WEAR BLACK to show our sympathy to the victims of the recent natural calamities in our country, and to show the world our eagerness to give immediate attention to the global issue of climate change. 

Article Source: One Philippines


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